The resolution of mathematical problems to achieve a developing learning of the secondary first grade students


  • Martha Elena Soto-Hernández Escuela Secundaria Técnica nº 136 de El Naranjo, Municipio de Coyuca de Cat, Guerrero


mathematical problems, secondary education, learning


This paper describes the problems in the area of mathematics in students entering secondary school: How to improve the resolution of mathematical problems to improve learning in students in first grade of secondary education? Therefore, the object of study is proposed as the resolution of mathematical problems. The field of action is developed as the resolution of mathematical problems to improve learning in first grade students of Technical High School No. 136 of El Naranjo, Municipality of Coyuca de Catalán, Guerrero. The objective of the research is to develop a didactic strategy to improve the resolution of mathematical problems and improve learning through the competence approach of first grade students of Technical Secondary School No. 136 of El Naranjo. The methods used were: analysis and synthesis, logical history, modeling and systems approach.


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How to Cite

(2019). The resolution of mathematical problems to achieve a developing learning of the secondary first grade students. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(4), 915–928. Retrieved from


