Methodological-Didactic proposal for the use of audiovisual materials in the Spanish as a Foreign Language lessons


  • Leticia Roses-Nieves Universidad de Oriente
  • María Teresa Barriel-Guevara Universidad de Oriente


Audiovisual materials, methodological-didactic proposal, social cultural component.


Audiovisual materials have been used with great success in the different ELE curricula created over time. They can serve as teaching aids, meanwhile, they present the information used by acoustic, optical systems or a combination of both. Enhance interest, creativity, retention, self-learning in students, and also enrich the work of the teacher; although there are barriers in the use of audiovisual media in the classes of ELE, some motivated by the lack of technological means, the ignorance in the handling of these by teachers, and the taboo that threaten time or compliance of the program. Therefore, the objective is to propose a didactic-methodological tool for teachers and students that allows them to select the audiovisual materials to be used in correspondence with the content, objectives, skills, strategies and competences to be developed in the teaching process. learning of the sociocultural component.


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How to Cite

, & . (2019). Methodological-Didactic proposal for the use of audiovisual materials in the Spanish as a Foreign Language lessons. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(3), 506–519. Retrieved from




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