The stimulation the rhythm of the movement in school of six-seven years in the Physical Education


  • Maizie Fuentes-Sánchez Universidad de Oriente


stimulation, rhythm of the movement, school of six-seven years, Physical Education


The objective of the investigation responds to application of a methodology to stimulation the movement rhythm in school of six-seven years in the Physical Education. The antecedents of the study are evidenced in Ruiz (2010); González (2013); Palacio (2014); Vega(2014); Zambrano and Carrillo (2015); Fuentes (2017); Peña (2017) and Guevara (2018); however, these authors even when they treat the movement rhythm it is insufficient in relation to the motive perceptions, the cognitive processes and I space-storms. The methodology on the other hand, facilitates to approach in an integrated way the phases, contents, methods and procedures. In the solution of the problem the methods of the theoretical, analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive level were used, of the empiric level the observation and experiment, in the statistical one the inferencial and the investigation technique interviews. Their implementation shows the significant changes starting from the introduction of games that you/they pay to the program.


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10. Palacio, D. M. (2014). Metodología para la adaptación de las tareas motrices de la clase de Educación Física para escolares con limitaciones físico-motoras, incluidos en la escuela primaria. (Tesis de doctorado). Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte “Manuel Fajardo”, La Habana, Cuba.

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12. Vega, C. A. (2014). Música y Educación Física: el ritmo que nos une. (Trabajo de diploma). Universidad de Valladolid, Palencia, España.



How to Cite

(2019). The stimulation the rhythm of the movement in school of six-seven years in the Physical Education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(2), 308–318. Retrieved from


