The axiological formation of the student of Basic Secondary School from the home-school link


  • Sequessa Judith Chirepuque Ministerio de Educación, Luanda


axiological formation, Basic Secondary, home-school


In this article the limitations of the axiological formation of the secondary school student are analyzed, starting from the insufficiencies in the use of the potentialities of the educational spaces of the home and the school. Problem that responds to the need to achieve a better performance of family members and teachers in their educational work. Thus, a professional pedagogical training that trains teachers to guide the pedagogical task of training values from professional performance is pursued. Therefore, it is proposed as a goal: To characterize the current state of the axiological formation process of the students of Basic Secondary School from the vital home-school relationship.


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How to Cite

(2019). The axiological formation of the student of Basic Secondary School from the home-school link. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(2), 259–270. Retrieved from


