The psychopedagogical attention of the teacher to the learning difficulties in primary schools in the angolan context


  • Evarista Joaquina Daniel-Tchimuco Ministerio de Educación Superior


teaching-learning process, difficulties in learning, psychopedagogical attention


The present article exposes a topic of great relevance and relevance within society in general and in Angola in particular, related to the teaching-learning process in primary school, and reflects how work is being done in the constant improvement within the national education system. education. We reflect on the potential of psychopedagogical attention, as an alternative to improve this important process. The teacher is given some psychopedagogical premises for the effective management of the process in schoolchildren with learning difficulties. The objective of this article is to reflect on the epistemological foundations of the teaching-learning process in elementary school, with emphasis on schoolchildren with learning difficulties in the fourth grade school at Colegio 51 in the province of Huila-Angola


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How to Cite

(2019). The psychopedagogical attention of the teacher to the learning difficulties in primary schools in the angolan context. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(1), 165–177. Retrieved from


