The Architecture and Urbanism in the Technical University of Angola


  • Dalmis La Rosa-Kindelán Universidad Técnica de Angola, Luanda
  • José Bendo-Pequeno Universidad Técnica de Angola, Luanda


student research training, Architecture, Urbanism specialty o and postgraduate


Universities must be able to offer society a competent graduate who, through research, can determine and solve scientific problems that arise in their professional practice. At the Technical University of Angola (UTANGA), with very little time of creation, the research training of students with this perspective is a necessity, particularly in the career of Architecture and Urbanism, from the constant changes and new knowledge that imposes the scientific and technical development of society and the results of applied methods and techniques. This research aims to develop a pedagogical strategy to contribute to this training. A favorable impact is expected because with these contributions a more qualified graduate will be achieved in the domain of possible ways to use for the greater knowledge of his/her profession.


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4. Addine, F., F. (2004). Didáctica, teoría y práctica. La Habana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación.

5. Agostinho, S. (2012). La actividad de investigación científica educacional en la formación del docente en el INIDE. Retos y perspectivas en el proyecto educativo angolano. Luanda: (s.e).

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7. Instituto Nacional de Estatística (2010). Inquérito Integrado sobre o Bem-Estar da População (IBEP) 2008-09: principais resultados definitivos, versão resumida. Recuperado de http://wwwcasacivilprao/pt/documentos/e3ec8c5a2cb880149d6fc765a54c04b8cb552719pdf



How to Cite

, & . (2018). The Architecture and Urbanism in the Technical University of Angola. Maestro Y Sociedad, 15(4), 689–700. Retrieved from


