Way of performance and curriculum: point from the career Sciences of the Initial Education


  • Soraya Triviño-Bloisse Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Rosangela Caicedo-Quiroz ITB, Guayaquil
  • Guillermo Ricardo Grunauer-Robalino ITB, Guayaquil


performance way, curricular design, curriculum, I process educational, professional problems


The professor of the career of initial Education should conform his way of to think and to act in correspondence with the social responsibility of his profession and to it, they should pay all the disciplines that are part of the curriculum in connection with the system of principles, functions and actions in that this professional's pedagogic activity is framed. The necessity that has the country of perfecting the process of the faculty's formation in initial Education, contributes to the improvement in the way of professional performance, and it constitutes a challenge inappeasable. The article that is presented bases inherent aspects to the relationship between the way of the professional's performance and the curriculum in the career of initial Education of the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador. 



How to Cite

, , & . (2018). Way of performance and curriculum: point from the career Sciences of the Initial Education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 15(2), 336–345. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/3592




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