José Martí and his vision of the political education in Our America essay


  • Noel Wilson Borrero-Rodríguez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba
  • Luís Felipe Solís-Bedey Universidad de Oriente


José Martí, political education, governor, our America


This paper offers an approach to the Martian perspective of political education that the Master considered relevant for the rulers of the peoples of our America, exposed primarily in the essay of the same name, but present throughout his work. Marti's arguments on the need to create models of society originating in the Latin American region are analyzed and it is highlighted how the text has the historical value of being one of the first to propose these ideas in a systematic way, in the midst of a desire to the time to imitate the European, forgetting almost completely their own originality, pretending to live a social and cultural life outside.



How to Cite

, & . (2018). José Martí and his vision of the political education in Our America essay. Maestro Y Sociedad, 13–21. Retrieved from