The educative labor for the formation of the value industrious in the students of the medical career


  • Dalila Rosa Pérez-Guzmán Universidad de Ciencias Médicas
  • Nairis Abalos-González Universidad de Ciencias Médicas
  • Julio Cesar González-Gola Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Frank País García


values, industrious, professional training, Laboral activity, educational work


In the Cuban university the new generation are being trained in an integral teaching learning process that favors the development of the new man, establishing the adequate relationship between work and satisfaction of the individual  and collective need, based on the basic principles of education, and in particular in the form of the career of the students of medicine: the principle study–work, that has its foundation in the link of theory and practice, the school with life and the and teaching with  production and they are pillars  of the Cuban Revolution. The principle sustains the educative actions to be developed by teachers of this career to encourage the valueindustrious In the present work there presented some activities that contribute to strengthening the industrious as moral value in the medical career, starting from the Laboral activity.



How to Cite

, , & . (2016). The educative labor for the formation of the value industrious in the students of the medical career. Maestro Y Sociedad, 11(2), 65–74. Retrieved from




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