Evaluation of the impact of the graduates of the university municipal filials in Santiago de Cuba province


  • Dalia de Jesús Rodríguez-Bencom Universidad de Oriente
  • Lizette Pérez-Martínez Universidad de Oriente
  • Liudka Guadarrama-Álvarez Universidad de Oriente


universalization, impact, territory, graduates


The Oriente's University has carried out an investigation  that takes  into account  the importance that has had the process of universalization of  the university  teaching in Cuba. The objective has been to measure the impact of the graduates of the Municipal University Centers (CUM) in territories of  the province  of Santiago de Cuba. The data covers the graduations of 3  periods  in the careers of: Sociology,  Law and  Accounting. It  used the secretary's documental sources and it was carried out the  application of different investigative instruments as: interview, sur veys  to graduates and employers, in the municipalities of Palma Soriano,  Contramaestre, and Songo-La Maya. The presented results expose the measure  in that the graduates contribute to the solution of situations in their territories.



How to Cite

, , & . (2016). Evaluation of the impact of the graduates of the university municipal filials in Santiago de Cuba province. Maestro Y Sociedad, 12(4), 22–30. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/851


