Teaching strategy for environmental education based on the Sustainable Development Goals for Basic Education
environment, sustainable development, didactic strategyAbstract
Introduction: The objective of this research is to design a didactic strategy for environmental education based on the Sustainable Development Goals for fourth year basic education students of the Fiscomisional Educational Unit "Sagrado Corazón". Materials and methods: In this quantitative-qualitative approach research, two instruments were used through surveys, which were a pre-test and a post-test, being the population of 220 students in which a sample of 38 fourth year students was worked with. To validate the didactic strategy, a rubric was applied to 4 teachers in the area of Natural Sciences. Results: The results show that the present designed strategy is an effective tool to promote environmental awareness among students. Discussion: In this way, the present didactic strategy contrasts with what is presented in the TINI project (Land of children and young people) proposed by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, and applied in the Dureno Educational Unit (Nuñez, Burgos, & Valdez, 2024) which aims to allow members of an educational institution to comprehensively address environmental problems and needs, promoting an active and participatory approach, where students, through practical and collaborative activities, identify environmental problems in their community and seek effective solutions. Conclusions: Through interactive, experiential and collaborative activities based on teamwork, debates and gamification, students were involved in the analysis and understanding of key issues such as climate change and ecosystem conservation.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Paula Nicole Martínez Reina, Clara Adela Tirira Arévalo, Elizabeth Esther Vergel Parejo

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