Virtual advisory program to improve research work in higher education students in Trujillo


  • Renzo Jesús Maldonado Gómez Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Perú


Virtual consultancies, research work, literary review


Introduction: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are all the technological means that allow access, production, storage, presentation and transfer of information. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine if the virtual consulting program will improve research work in Higher Education students in Trujillo. Materials and Methods: The methodology was applied, with a quantitative approach, with a quasi-experimental design, its population and sample consisted of 16 students who received the workshops, and the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. Results: Among the results, it was found that the students' knowledge of literature review in the pretest was low at 81% and in the posttest it was high at 75%. Likewise, regarding the problem statement in the pretest, a low level of 69% was found and in the posttest it was high at 88%. Likewise, in the methodology, in the pretest it was low at 56% and in the posttest it was high at 56%. Finally, when writing the results, a low level of 75% was found in the pretest and a high level of 75% in the posttest. Conclusions: Finally, it was concluded that the proposal managed to increase the knowledge that students had regarding writing research papers, having an initial average of 34.13 and a final average of 47.50.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Gómez, R. J. (2025). Virtual advisory program to improve research work in higher education students in Trujillo. Maestro Y Sociedad, 22(1), 46–57. Retrieved from


