Leadership as a factor of community participation in the Juan Pablo II Cooperative canton Guayaquil Province of Guayas


  • Rainer Zambrano Alcívar Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Sandra Andino Espinoza Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


Community leadership, citizen participation, community development


Introduction: Community leadership is fundamental to inspire, guide and organize individuals towards common goals, acting as a catalyst in social participation and cohesion. This leadership is not limited to representing a formal figure, but includes both formal and informal leaders who, by facilitating communication and building trust, drive collective action. Their effectiveness lies in their ability to influence human relations and adapt their strategies to individual needs, which is essential for equitable development and social transformation. Objective: To identify, based on the discourse collected, the most significant aspects of the behavior of leaders and citizens of the John Paul II cooperative regarding citizen participation. Materials and methods: A qualitative and phenomenological approach has been adopted to deepen the perceptions and experiences of the leaders and citizens of this cooperative. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were used for data collection to explore the social dynamics within this community. Discussion: Leadership is important for social cohesion and community development, although it faces challenges such as lack of support and resources, which limits its effectiveness. Results: Leadership in this cooperative has proven to be a key factor in driving social development and meeting residents' needs. Through mobilization and effective engagement, the leaders have achieved significant advances in the community, such as obtaining housing deeds, which reflects the importance of results-oriented leadership.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Alcívar, R., & Andino Espinoza, S. (2024). Leadership as a factor of community participation in the Juan Pablo II Cooperative canton Guayaquil Province of Guayas. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(4), 2094–2104. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6621


