Intrafamily violence: meanings of family mothers in condition of social vulnerability
meaning, violence, intrafamily violence, social vulnerabilityAbstract
Introduction: Intrafamily violence is a complex social problem due to its manifestations, causes, and consequences; moreover, the way it is conceived is also diverse. It especially affects women and minors. Objective: This research sought to understand the meanings attributed to this phenomenon by Mexican mothers residing of an urban community in condition of social vulnerability. Materials and methods: Two focus groups were conducted with 17 volunteer mothers identified through referral chains and meeting established inclusion criteria. A qualitative content analysis was applied to identify patterns and meanings in the textual data. Results: The analysis revealed three categories: perceptions of domestic violence, triggering and perpetuating factors, and impacts and consequences on the family and social environment. Participants conceptualize violence as acts of physical and psychological aggression. They highlight aspects such as the repetition of violent parenting patterns, lack of communication skills, machismo, and addictions. The most significant impacts are observed in minors, who suffer lasting consequences in their emotional and behavioral development. Discussion: Domestic violence is understood as a multifaceted phenomenon that includes lack of respect and trust. Causes encompass individual, family, and sociocultural components, such as the repetition of violent patterns, poor coexistence, gender inequalities, and addictions. The consequences affect the entire family, especially children. The need for comprehensive interventions is emphasized. Conclusions: Domestic violence affects women and children to a greater extent and extends to the community. It is essential to promote educational programs on positive discipline and conflict resolution, provide psychological support, and develop public policies that address gender inequalities and socioeconomic factors. Collaboration between governments, community organizations, and schools is crucial to create safer and healthier family environments.
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