From bureaucracy to excellence: an administrative management model to optimize customer service in Ecuadorian transit agencies


  • Mayra Vivianna Herrera Valero Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Perú
  • Cecilia Teresita de Jesús Carbajal Llauce Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Perú
  • Nélida Isabel Rodríguez Ortega de Peña Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Perú


Administrative Management, SERVQUAL Model, Customer Service


Introduction: The transition from bureaucracy to excellence in customer service in transit and transportation agencies is a challenge faced by many countries around the world. This study focuses on the objective of designing an administrative management model to optimize customer service in a transit agency in Ecuador in 2024, so this model seeks to adequately respond to the needs of the inhabitants and improve perception overall of the service offered, which includes the updating of computer systems, the implementation of online platforms with respect to citizen services and the use of management tools to improve customer service. Materials and Methods: The methodology used in this study was quantitative and descriptive, with a sample of 384 users and 7 public officials of the transit agency, and the data collection instruments were validated and reviewed by experts, thus To evaluate customer service, the SERVQUAL Model was applied with its relevant dimensions; in addition, a reliability process corresponding to a pilot test was carried out, obtaining a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.941. Results: Based on the results, it can be stated that the proposed model will improve customer service and that its implementation is viable in other city agencies. Discussion: The research addresses the problem of inefficient administrative management in the transit agency of the Quevedo canton, which faces various critical challenges and one of the highlighted problems is the slowness in issuing licenses, which causes long waits and congestion for applicants. Conclusions: The diagnosis revealed that inefficient planning in the transit agency seriously affects operation and user satisfaction. The lack of coordination between areas causes delays in attention and processing of licenses.


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How to Cite

Herrera Valero, M. V., Carbajal Llauce, C. T. de J., & Ortega de Peña, N. I. R. (2024). From bureaucracy to excellence: an administrative management model to optimize customer service in Ecuadorian transit agencies. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1488–1498. Retrieved from




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