Self-perceptive study of the digital skills of teachers in the field of pedagogy in District 13D11


  • Yajaira Marisol Cedeño Castillo Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí”, Ecuador
  • Elizabeth del Carmen Ormaza Esmeraldas Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí”, Ecuador


ICT, teaching competence, digital competence, education


The digital world in which we live forces us to make changes in different contexts of society, to keep up with the community demands. One of these contexts is education, where teachers had to make use of ICTs to develop teaching skills, including digital ones, which they must possess and enhance to provide a quality and warmth education. This study sought to identify the domain that teachers in District 13D11 have of the use of technology within the educational field, as well as to diagnose the level of digital illiteracy that they have. Also, the teaching perception of the impact of digital skills on educational quality will be addressed. A bibliographical review will be carried out to collect the necessary information to give support and veracity to the article where an exploratory - descriptive study with a quantitative approach is presented. The technique used for data collection was the survey. The population of the investigation was based on the educators and students of E.G.B., of the district, a sample of 144 teachers and 358 students of the upper basic sublevel was taken. For the analysis, the IBM SPSS v. 25 that facilitated the analysis of the data compared in the study. Technological innovation is here to stay, for this reason teachers, to rule out digital illiteracy, saw the need to prepare themselves in the use and management of ICTs and enhance their skills not only in disciplinary knowledge but also in the CDT (Competence digital teaching) aimed at developing collaborative learning and the construction of learning.


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How to Cite

Cedeño Castillo, Y. M., & Ormaza Esmeraldas, E. del C. (2024). Self-perceptive study of the digital skills of teachers in the field of pedagogy in District 13D11. Maestro Y Sociedad, 229–239. Retrieved from

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