Gamification as an educational strategy and its impact on the learning of mathematics in baccalaureate


  • Sandy Cecilia Mejía Kaiser Escuela De Educacion Basica Nicolas Infante Diaz, Universidad Tecnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Martha Verónica Arechua Suarez Unidad Educativa Junin Universidad Tecnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Carmen Elisa Román Cuji Unidad Educativa Quevedo, Universidad Tecnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Orlando Neptalí Calle Sánchez Unidad Educativa Quevedo, Universidad Tecnologica Empresarial de Guayaquil, Ecuador


Teaching - Learning, teaching strategies, play, academic performance


Introduction: The main objective of this work is to analyze the use of gamification as educational strategies to improve the learning of mathematics in high school students of the "Fluminense" Educational Unit. Materials and methods: A descriptive and exploratory research methodology of qualitative, quantitative, bibliographic types was used; to collect information, the survey and interview were applied to obtain information about the problem; the study sample consisted of seven teachers, 208 students and a coordinator of the mathematics area of the institution. In this work, a diagnosis of the current situation of the proposed topic was made and a teacher training workshop was held on the use of gamification as an educational strategy to improve the learning of mathematics in high school students of the "Fluminense" Educational Unit, 2021-2022 school year. with the aim of progressing in academic performance in students. Results: The result of the research shows the importance of gamification for improving mathematics learning in students. Discussion: The teacher training plan on gamification to promote learning in mathematics in students of the "Fluminense" Educational Unit, Buena Fe canton, period 2021 - 2022, is of great importance the application of technological tools such as: Gernmagic, Educaplay, Genially allowed teachers to reach students in a dynamic and effective way, obtaining greater knowledge and understanding of the mathematical content taught in classes. Conclusions: According to the evaluation of the results of the teacher training plan on gamification to promote learning in mathematics in students of the "Fluminense" Educational Unit, Buena Fe canton, period 2021-2022, the successful change that was achieved in the teacher was verified, adapting to an innovative and modern environment, by updating their knowledge through technology, the results show the evaluation that the proposal received in the two aspects that is the degree to which the objectives were met and the degree of acceptance.


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How to Cite

Mejía Kaiser, S. C., Arechua Suarez, M. V., Román Cuji, C. E., & Calle Sánchez, O. N. (2024). Gamification as an educational strategy and its impact on the learning of mathematics in baccalaureate. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1241–1249. Retrieved from


