Development of skills of the legal professional in the first year of the degree: a look from the General Theory of the State


  • Beatriz Robert Díaz Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


skills, students, tools, methods, teaching-learning


INTRODUCTION: Defending the use of innovative teaching-learning and evaluation methods is an alternative that allows the student, from the information received from the teacher, to carry out different actions depending on the individual characteristics that distinguish both and will encourage evaluating more objectively. The performance and achievements that the future professional is achieving in the educational order. Taking these ideas into account, we work on the basis of exchanging about the importance of an adequate selection of teaching methods in higher education based on contemporary classifications that guarantee the dynamism of the training process of professionals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Consequently, in this research the analysis-synthesis methods and bibliographic review, and the observation technique were used to delimit the variables to be evaluated. RESULT: The research presented reveals and distinguishes the formation of the skills of the university professional in the contemporary Cuban context, especially in the Faculty of Law at the Universidad de Oriente. DISCUSSION: For this reason, the use of an approach for different types of classes is proposed, from the subject General Theory of the State, in order to create new skills and perfect existing ones, in students of the 1st year of the degree. Degree in Law, which constitute a precedent, in the challenges to be set for the improvement of the teaching-learning system. CONCLUSIONS: The insufficient acquisition by the students of these tools is recognized, which makes a correct integration of the contents of the subjects impossible, especially the subject General Theory of the State, detecting manifestations in the students, which the challenges for the improvement of the teaching-learning system constitute a precedent.


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How to Cite

Robert Díaz, B. (2024). Development of skills of the legal professional in the first year of the degree: a look from the General Theory of the State. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1141–1151. Retrieved from


