Play guide to strengthen attention and concentration in initial education children II


  • María José Giler Cedeño Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Hipatia Alexandra Meza Intriago Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador


playful activities; attention; concentration; memory games; Preschool Education


Introduction: In the course of their educational work in early childhood education, teachers may face challenges where poor attention and concentration negatively affect children's learning and academic performance. Objective: Develop a playful guide based on memory games to contribute to strengthening the concentration and attention of the children in Early Education II at the Howard Gardner Early Education Center in Portoviejo. Materials and Methods: A research was carried out with a quantitative-qualitative or mixed descriptive approach, with a non-experimental and transversal design. Results: By applying an observation guide to the children and an interview with the teacher, it was determined that the children presented significant difficulties in attention and concentration, with marked individual variability. Discussion: The activities developed in the classroom for this purpose were applied randomly, without following a structured guide and without keeping track of their results. Conclusions: Based on the findings, recreational activities were proposed that the teacher could implement in a planned manner in the classroom, and then evaluate their impact on the development of children's attention and concentration.


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How to Cite

Giler Cedeño, M. J., & Meza Intriago, H. A. (2024). Play guide to strengthen attention and concentration in initial education children II. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1060–1072. Retrieved from


