Scientific methodological work in Higher Medical Education Scientific


  • Yusimy Barrios López Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Celia Teresa Ledo Rollo Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Clemente Couso Seoane Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Methodological Work Methodological teaching work Scientific Methodological Work


Introduction: Scientific methodological work energizes the results of university academic efficiency. The present work is a qualitative research that aims to systematize the theoretical foundations that support the scientific methodological work in Higher Medical Education. Materials and methods: The methods of analysis-synthesis and documentary review passed through the entire research process. Results: It is confirmed that the theoretical foundations that support the forms of methodological work in Higher Education have been addressed worldwide and in Cuba, but insufficient in relation to scientific methodological work, being necessary a training management strategy that serves as a guide. to the teacher for the development of scientific methodological work at the organizational levels of the teaching process. Discussion: It is considered essential that the methodological indications of the course and of each of the programs developed emphasize the need to develop the systemic and interdisciplinary nature of the methodological work, with adjustment to the levels of integration of the course, considering the participants in its preparation in this aspect one of the most complex challenges to face, being necessary to adjust the methodological work in its two teaching and scientific dimensions for the Medicine career to the levels of systematicity of the same (discipline/subject, academic year and career). Conclusions: A training management strategy is necessary that guides the teacher in the development of scientific methodological work so that educational research is energized with the introduction of the results obtained in teaching practice, in response to the identified problem.


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How to Cite

Barrios López, Y., Ledo Rollo, C. T., & Couso Seoane, C. (2024). Scientific methodological work in Higher Medical Education Scientific. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 921–929. Retrieved from




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