Environmental education to promote sustainability: an overview of the processes and challenges


  • Elizeth Mayrene Flores Hinostroza Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador
  • Wilmer López Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador
  • Hugo Encalada Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador
  • Alicia Gabriela Paredes Benavides Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador


Education, sustainability, restoration, awareness


Introduction: This research is framed in a project of connection with society of the University of Education, education for sustainability: Awareness and environmental education that seeks to promote sustainability from the experimental sciences career. The objective of the project is to diagnose and contribute to the solution of the socio-ecological conflicts of the Burgay River basin, at the same time that UNAE transforms into a sustainable community that contributes to improving the environmental health of the territory in which it is located. and the quality of life of its inhabitants. Materials and methods: From this perspective we treat several approaches such as the Burgay River, Chakra ecology, reforestation of the river basin and the UNAE campus, as well as all the parameters that an ecological Chakra encompasses. The methodology that is being used is participatory action research of all the surrounding communities of the river basin as well as all the people who live in the UNAE, to collect the data the survey, the interview, groups were used. focal points and work workshops, which resulted in rapid ecological restoration, reforestation and educational workshops to raise awareness among the population to help promote sustainability and environmental education. Results: The Education for Sustainability project is covering the needs at the UNAE level and at the level of the province of Cañari, since the river basin crosses the entire province, for this it is planned to develop awareness programs, sustainable ideas and the environmental education program, which is projected to have good receptivity because interest is being perceived and there is a good reception from students, citizens and residents for learning about sustainable measures that do not affect the environment. With the aforementioned, it is evident that the high rates of pollution and the havoc that climate change is causing force all people to look for eco-friendly alternatives to try to save and restore the environment of the Ecuadorian area, specifically in the province. of Cañar. Discussion: Afterwards, a rapid ecological evaluation will be carried out, as well as the characterizations of the processes that are worked on at UNAE, for this we will design the ecological evaluation instrument that will be a product of training from the “Mother Earth” Foundation and the diagnosis of the perceptions about environmental, waste and waste management in the UNAE community, for this objective the instruments were designed to carry out a questionnaire to the workers, teachers, students and interviews with the university authorities as well as the students of each career, These instruments were subjected to expert evaluation. Conclusions: Concluding with the contributions made by the Education for Sustainability project: Awareness and environmental education, we can say that human beings must work together for the protection of the environment and sustainable development of all entities that seek to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.


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How to Cite

Flores Hinostroza, E. M., López, W., Encalada, H., & Paredes Benavides, A. G. (2024). Environmental education to promote sustainability: an overview of the processes and challenges. Maestro Y Sociedad, 151–158. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6427