Chat GPT as a pedagogical and didactic tool for teachers in training


  • María de los Ángeles Sánchez Trujillo Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Perú
  • Eduar Antonio Rodríguez Flores Universidad Continental, Perú
  • Marianella Suárez Pizzarello Universidad Continental, Perú


ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, teaching strategy, pedagogical resource, teachers in training


In recent years, technology has had a significant impact and, at present, the use of artificial intelligence is booming. It is therefore important to identify its potential in the educational field. The objectives of this study were, first, to describe the perceptions of trainee teachers about the use of chatGPT in the classroom; and second, to design and evaluate a didactic strategy based on the use of ChatGPT as a pedagogical resource. This research corresponds to a qualitative study of research-action methodological design. The sample consisted of 43 students, referred to in this study as "teachers in training", from the eighth cycle of the Faculty of Education of a private university in Lima. For the diagnosis, a focus group was applied, through a guide of 4 open questions. Among the initial findings, there was a negative and distrustful evaluation of the use of ChatGPT, which was also linked to the lack of preparation regarding the didactic management of this resource. Based on this, the strategy was designed, which included three phases: awareness and training, inclusion of the tool in the design and execution of classes, and evaluation of its effectiveness. Based on the perceptions of the teachers in training, the effectiveness of the strategy was concluded, which made possible the inclusion of activities for pedagogical use and use in the students' learning process.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Trujillo, M. de los Ángeles, Rodríguez Flores, E. A., & Suárez Pizzarello, M. (2024). Chat GPT as a pedagogical and didactic tool for teachers in training. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 285–299. Retrieved from


