Employment preparation strategy for medical graduates


  • Ana Lidia Ford Torralba Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Yuri Alvarez Magdariaga Servicios Médicos del Ministerio del Interior de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Anabel Borrero Fernández Hospital Infantil Sur Dr. Antonio María Béguez César de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Continuous formation, professional, left overcoming in medicine, penitentiary medicine, penal medicine


Introduction: The preparation of the professionals of the sector of health and the quality of his performance, to fulfill the ever-growing needs of the society, the education of postgrade can get perfect systematically intervening. The present work has like Objetivo: Implementing a strategy of preparation for the job of the graduate in medicine on penal medicine. Materials and method: The population of study got determined by 34 participants, of them 30 loved one another with doctors of recent graduation, 2 executives and 2 teachers. They used methods of the theoretic level, empiricist and mathematical statistician, using like instrument the opinion poll and observation to left and glimpsed to executives and teachers. Results: Insufficiencies as to the formation and preparation of the graduate doctors to perform in the penitentiary centers. Discussion: The implementation of strategy favored the development of activities of overcoming with the graduate. Findings: The development of a strategy favors the development of theoretic knowledge and practical abilities that guarantee an adequate performance of the graduate in medicine in the penitentiary centers.


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How to Cite

Ford Torralba, A. L., Alvarez Magdariaga, Y., & Borrero Fernández, A. (2024). Employment preparation strategy for medical graduates. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 211–216. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6357




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