Promoting Ethical Conduct in Research: study of Scientific Integrity at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Ucayali


  • Lida Maribel Cosme Solano Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia, Perú
  • Janet Yvone Castagne Vásquez Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Lincoln Fritz Cachay Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Teofilo Meza Taype Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú


responsible authorship; good scientific practice; responsible conduct in research; scientific integrity; plagiarism


Introduction: The study at the National University of Ucayali, in the Faculty of Law, highlights the relevance of scientific integrity in responsible investigative conduct in Ucayali, Peru. The main objective was to know the positive impact of principles on  esearch practices. Materials and methods: A quantitative methodology was adopted, with a preexperimental design, applied to 36 teachers through surveys. Results: The results, with an error of 0.044, confirmed that scientific integrity significantly improves responsible research. Discussion: The law highlights the importance of transforming teaching beyond the transmission of knowledge, emphasizing that teachers must also be actively involved in research. However, it is observed that, despite the intention of the law, there are significant limitations in the implementation of effective policies that promote research and scientific integrity among teachers. Conclusions: This finding emphasizes the need to promote scientific integrity for academic development and credibility, underlining its importance in ethical training and research quality.


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How to Cite

Cosme Solano, L. M., Castagne Vásquez, J. Y., Fritz Cachay, L., & Meza Taype, T. (2024). Promoting Ethical Conduct in Research: study of Scientific Integrity at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Ucayali. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 126–131. Retrieved from


