Gamification in virtual environments for labor integration of people with intellectual disabilities


  • Marjorie Stefanía Sarango Llivisaca Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Joyce Elizabeth Jácome Valencia Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Elsa Iris Montenegro Moracén Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


gamification, intellectual disability, labor integration, learning virtual environments


Introduction: The objective is to develop a gamification in a virtual environment for neurocognitive stimulation that favors the labor insertion of people with intellectual disabilities of 67%, quantified by the Ministry of Public Health and with a skill development test of 77% applied. by the disability project of the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion, belonging to the third level according to their abilities, at the Integral Development Center for people with intellectual disabilities in Loja, Ecuador. Materials and methods: Based on methodological criteria, it is of a descriptive explanatory level, supported by a case study supported by participatory action research, with the use of empirical methods such as observation, documentary analysis, measurement, theoretical as analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, modeling; as well as others typical of the study of disabilities; such as clinical history analysis, observation sheet, anxiety inventory, skills development sheet, neuropsychological questionnaire and multiple intelligence test, among others, that are part of the study. The investigative process was carried out through the application of interviews with managers of the Integral Development Center and centers where inclusion actions could be developed. Results: The origin of the disability,
limitations in cognitive development, barriers in work skills and inequality of opportunities for work were determined. Discussion: Gamification in virtual environments is an innovative strategy for the labor insertion of people with intellectual disabilities, it improves their quality of life, by using game elements to motivate, challenge the development of work skills and better understand the world of work. Conclusions: The proposal is timely because, by managing a virtual learning environment, students can access materials and resources from anywhere, at any time, which is particularly useful. For their part, the direct beneficiaries will be the students and their families.


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How to Cite

Sarango Llivisaca, M. S., Jácome Valencia, J. E., & Montenegro Moracén, E. I. (2024). Gamification in virtual environments for labor integration of people with intellectual disabilities. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 70–77. Retrieved from


