Morphometric characterization of the reproductive structure of Mauritia flexuosa; L.F. 1782 (aguaje)


  • Isaías Alberto Salinas Andrade Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Aparicio Limache Alonzo Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Walter Lauro Pérez Terrel Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Lenin Vladimir Vargas Villa Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Guillermo Augusto Pastor Picón Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú


morphometry; reproductive part; aguaje


Introduction: Morphometry, or registration of shapes presented by the reproductive structure of the aguaje, constitutes the first step to plan an investigation into the sex of the aguaje. Indeed, aguaje is a species of enormous socioeconomic importance for having dioecious edible fruit of which 98 % are male and 2 % female. This quality limits intensive cultivation because it is recognized at 9 years when it bears fruit. Therefore, the objective of this research was to characterize the shapes presented by the fruits, seeds and newly germinated seedlings of aguaje. Materials and methods: The methods used were observation, measurement and flotation. To randomize the samples, nine trees were chosen, three of which come from Pucallpa, three from Contamana and three from Aguaytía. Results: As a result, 12 recurrent forms were identified. Thus, for the fruits they were: Apex elongated, cleft, floating and dense. For seeds they were: Twin, lousy, round and elongated (ovoid). In seedlings there was germination in and out of the aril and rapid germination at two months and slow at four months. Discussion: A pending agenda is the morphometric study based on aguaje ecotypes such as posheco, killo and shambo. Conclusions: With this research it is demonstrated that the seed, the fruit and the newly germinated seedling of Mauritia flexuosa; L.f. 1782, present marked differences between one copy and another.


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How to Cite

Salinas Andrade, I. A., Limache Alonzo, A., Pérez Terrel, W. L., Vargas Villa, L. V., & Pastor Picón, G. A. (2024). Morphometric characterization of the reproductive structure of Mauritia flexuosa; L.F. 1782 (aguaje). Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 92–99. Retrieved from




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