Soft skills and performance in directors of Peruvian public educational institutions


  • Liliana Morales Yanayaco Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Perú
  • Elena Pilar Cerrón Oré Universidad San Martín de Porres, Perú
  • Luis Renato Obregón Castillo Universidad San Martín de Porres, Perú


Skills, performance in directors, self-regulation, empathy, Competition


Introduction: In this work, the influence of soft skills on the performance of directors of public educational institutions in Lima was studied. Materials and methods: A field design with a descriptive correlational approach was applied to determine the relationship between the variables in a sample of 27 managers. Results: A significant positive relationship was confirmed with r=0.808 at α=0.05 between both variables. On the other hand, significant differences were estimated between the dimensions of both variables. The results reveal that there is variability in the soft skills of managers, with social skills and empathy being the most prominent dimensions. However, the dimension of suitability is not as valued. Discussion: The promotion and development of soft skills in the educational field are fundamental for a healthy coexistence, the success of educational and administrative management, and the comprehensive development of the different actors that are part of educational institutions. Conclusions: The development of soft or socio-emotional skills is crucial for success in managerial and work management, including the educational field. Educational leaders must cultivate these skills in themselves and in other members of the educational community to achieve academic and administrative objectives.


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How to Cite

Morales Yanayaco, L., Cerrón Oré, E. P., & Obregón Castillo, L. R. (2024). Soft skills and performance in directors of Peruvian public educational institutions. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 13–21. Retrieved from


