Linking with the society: Proposal from the University Bolivariana of the Equator


  • Rosangela Caicedo Quiroz Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Pilar Caicedo-Quiroz Instituto Tecnológico Superior Universitario Bolivariano de Tecnología, Ecuador
  • Carla Gutiérrez Quiroz Instituto Tecnológico Superior Universitario Bolivariano de Tecnología, Ecuador
  • María José Gutiérrez Quiroz Instituto Tecnológico Superior Universitario Bolivariano de Tecnología, Ecuador


Linking with the society, formation, accompaniment, evaluation


The students of the University Bolivariana of the Ecuador is formed under the action of a linking model with the society
that, seated in the function substantive extensionista, he/she has like responsibility to elaborate and to execute actions
and academic processes in cooperation with external sectors to the university like the State, the local governments,
the productive sectors and the civil society, model guided to solve problems and to execute programs and projects that
viabilicen positive impacts in the country and the world. The report transmits a proposal with the purpose of socializing a
system of work of the address, structured in the linking sphere with the society" whose reach leaves observing partially.
It is a proposal that he/she is born of the work extensionista from the University Bolivariana of the Ecuador (UBE), of
the services toasted to the Ecuadorian society, with national reach and international visibility, guided to the Good one
to Live, to the responsibility and commitment of the university, in benefit of the society. Keeping in mind these budgets,
they intend considerations of a linking model with the society.


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Rodríguez, J. G. (2002). Imbricación y aprendizaje mutuos: una perspectiva de la Extensión Universitaria. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Bogotá.



How to Cite

Caicedo Quiroz, R., Caicedo-Quiroz, P., Gutiérrez Quiroz, C., & Gutiérrez Quiroz, M. J. (2023). Linking with the society: Proposal from the University Bolivariana of the Equator. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(4), 1158–1164. Retrieved from




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