Neurodidactic methodological strategy for teaching-learning in the area of natural sciences in the fourth year of basic education
Neurodidactics, Methodological strategy, Natural Sciences, Teaching-learning, Basic education, Diagnosis, Evaluation by expert criteria, Educational neuroscienceAbstract
Neurodidactics has emerged as an interdisciplinary field of study that combines neuroscience and pedagogy to improve the teaching-learning process. The main objective of this study is to design, implement and evaluate a neurodidactic methodological strategy in the area of Natural Sciences for fourth year elementary school students, specifically at the Abraham Barzallo School. The research was conducted using a mixed approach combining qualitative and quantitative elements. The methodology employed was based on a qualitative approach that embraced the phenomenological paradigm and the hermeneutic method. An exhaustive diagnosis was carried out that included a review of pedagogical practices, as well as surveys applied to both students and teachers during two months. Based on the results of the diagnosis, a neurodidactic methodological strategy adapted to the needs of the educational community of the Abraham Barzallo School was designed. This strategy incorporated principles of educational neuroscience, such as attention activation, connection with previous experiences and memory reinforcement. The results of this study indicate that the neurodidactic methodological strategy designed for Natural Sciences in the fourth year of basic education was positively evaluated by the experts. The strategy was found to be clear in its objectives, adequate in the proposed activities, coherent with the principles of educational neuroscience and motivating for the students. In addition, the experts highlighted its adaptability and its alignment with the resources available in the school.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mercedes Marilu Rodríguez Jiménez, Dalila Isabel Merchán Cornejo, Giselle Aurelia Rodriguez Caballero

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