The dramatization like alternative for the self-esteem in children of 3 to 4 years


  • María Elena Valladares Villalva Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Jenny Adriana Navarro Gaona Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador


Self-esteem, dramatization, emotional education, emotional experiences


The self-esteem is the human being feeling valorativo, a group of corporal, mental and spiritual features that configure the personality. The authors meditate the dramatization at level preescolar favors abilities and competitions at social level around how, contributing this way to the development of autonomy and self-esteem in these children and girls. In their construction, and from the experience of the authors, he/she is carried out a study sustained in specialized bibliography and normative documents from the Ecuadorian context. The results show the correct thing from the dramatization technique like alternative and their contribution to the form of being expressed, to communicate, but mainly interactuar with their partners and with other people that surround it, this way, it is known valuable and competent he/she understands that to learn is important.


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How to Cite

Valladares Villalva, M. E., & Navarro Gaona, J. A. (2023). The dramatization like alternative for the self-esteem in children of 3 to 4 years. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(4), 997–1003. Retrieved from




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