Analysis of the undergraduate training of the professional in Agrometeorology
Cuba, meteorology, universityAbstract
The present investigation proposes an analysis of the study programs of Agrometeorology as a higher level subject
and the learning of its modern methods. The review was conducted through the analysis of study programs in Latin
American universities in the last two decades. There is consensus on the fundamental issues of professional training. Of
the 15 universities analyzed, 60% include modern techniques in the preparation and a fifth of them promote practice
over theory. For our country, the study programs lack the application of the aforementioned techniques and reinforce
the theoretical level. The agricultural development of the country based on scientific bases will require specialized
professionals with technical capacities for the use and interpretation of agrometeorological information through modern
tools. Therefore, the updating and inclusion of new methods in the training of the agrometeorologist as a professional
of the future is recommended.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Grethel Lázara Sieiro Miranda, Rosa Elvira Isaac Zaldivar, José Alberto De la Fé Isaac

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