Project-Based Learning and its contribution to the improvement of the English-Speaking Skill


  • Elizabeth Anthonella Sellán Cusme Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Miguel Macías Loor Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador


Project-Based Learning; PBA; Speaking Skill; Speaking Improvement


The main objective of this study is to research the impact of the Project-Based Learning method on the improvement of
the student’s Speaking skill. Two surveys were conducted, one for English teachers and the other for English students. The
methodology used consisted of collecting data through questionnaires applied to participants. In the case of the teachers,
it was questioned their knowledge of PBL, its application in the classroom, and their perception of its effectiveness in
the development of oral production. On the other hand, students were asked about their knowledge of the PBL, their
perception of the difficulties in the different language skills, and their assessment of the importance of these skills
in learning English. The results showed that most teachers have knowledge about PBL and apply it to some extent in
their English classes. In addition, most teachers consider that the ABP contributes significantly to the improvement of
the speaking skill of their students. However, areas for improvement were also identified, such as the need to increase
consistency and frequency in the inclusion of oral activities and additional training for teachers less familiar with the
PBL. On the other hand, students perceive oral production as the most challenging skill to develop, followed by oral
comprehension. Lack of confidence, shame and lack of opportunities in the classroom were identified as the main
obstacles to the development of oral production. The importance of focusing teaching efforts on the development of
oral skills was also recognized, valuing oral production as the most important skill in English learning.


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How to Cite

Sellán Cusme, E. A., & Macías Loor, M. (2023). Project-Based Learning and its contribution to the improvement of the English-Speaking Skill. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(4), 916–930. Retrieved from


