Methodological strategies and their influence in the attention of special educational needs not associated with a disability in children, School Estenio Burgos Galarza
elementary basic , education, teaching, , special educational needsAbstract
The focus of education today has an important role in achieving social transformations in order to guide the field
of education, democracy and good living. The objective of this study was to analyze the methodological strategies
implemented by teachers to care for children with special educational needs not associated with disabilities at the
"Estenio Burgos Galarza" School in the Quevedo canton, Republic of Ecuador. For this purpose, techniques such as
interviews and surveys were applied to the parents of elementary school students, to determine the problem and
generate an adequate diagnosis. Among the main results, it was obtained that between 20 - 50% of the students have
special educational needs not associated with a disability, and that teachers do not apply strategies that help improve
student performance, for which a study was carried out. training plan for teachers to develop educational strategies in
view of the need to know how to teach and reinforce knowledge to students who present this type of educational needs.
In addition, in this way it was sought that educators validate and increase information on special educational needs and
become direct actors of inclusion to help students with learning difficulties in the classroom. What allowed them to have greater possibilities when building knowledge, skills and abilities and their subsequent implementation in class.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nury Mercedes Nuñez Diaz, Alexandra Isabel Cárdenas Loor, Shirley Vanessa Betancourt Zambrano, Karina María Caicedo Chambers
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