The use of the fitoestrógenos to elevate the quality of life in the women climatéricas

The use of the fitoestrógenos to elevate the quality of life in the women climatéricas


  • Neity Mendo Alcolea Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Rafael Neyra Barrios Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Olesia Calderón Cedeño Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


climaterio, menopause, estrogens, progesterone, conjugated estrogens, substitute hormonal therapy


A bibliographic review was carried out related to the climacteric, its main characteristics, as well as treatment with
drugs of natural origin, the so-called phytoestrogenic therapy. To achieve the above, an exhaustive review of texts, firstimpact
magazines on platforms such as Scopus and Lilacs, among others, was carried out, concluding that menopause
is a physiological process in female sexual life, which sometimes presents with annoying symptoms for the women
who demand palliative treatment for their relief or disappearance, and that therapy with drugs of plant origin allows
the remission of menopausal syndrome from its light to severe forms, thereby achieving a lower incidence of adverse
effects, as well as alternatives for women with neoplastic diseases or thyroid disorders, improving their quality of life
and their incorporation into society.


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How to Cite

Mendo Alcolea, N., Neyra Barrios, R., & Calderón Cedeño, O. (2023). The use of the fitoestrógenos to elevate the quality of life in the women climatéricas: The use of the fitoestrógenos to elevate the quality of life in the women climatéricas. Maestro Y Sociedad, 348–352. Retrieved from



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