Didactic use of ICT and its impact on the academic performance of high school students of the "Carlos Lozada Quintana" Educational Unit


  • Euclides Roberto Castillo Calva Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Unidad Educativa “Carlos Lozada Quintana”, Ecuador
  • Mónica Carolina Gordillo Jaramillo Unidad Educativa “Carlos Lozada Quintana”, Ecuador
  • José Nolberto Macías Véliz Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Sonia Patricia Chiluisa Salavarria Unidad Educativa Carlota Jaramillo, Ecuador


didactic guide, teaching-learning, ICT, academic performance, technology


Introduction: Information and Communication Technologies "ICT" are all those programs, resources and tools used during synchronous and asynchronous classes, to carry out the exchange of information between the teacher and the student, becoming an essential contribution in the development of teaching learning; The objective of this research is to analyze the use of ICT and its impact on the academic performance of students of the "Carlos Lozada Quintana" Educational Unit of the La Maná canton, in order to develop a methodological guide for didactic use. of ICT, which facilitates its use, encouraging and facilitating the integration of digital culture in the educational institution. Materials and methods: With a sample of 7 teachers and 38 students to whom the directed survey instrument was applied for the diagnosis of the problem, for which a qualitative-quantitative approach methodology was used, qualitative because it allowed knowing the criteria of students and the perception they have of the use of ICT by the teacher and quantitative in view that it provided the opportunity to perform a statistical analysis of the data obtained, with the different methods used during the investigation. Results: It was possible to appreciate the level of knowledge and acceptance of the use of technological tools, which allowed the implementation of a methodological guide designed for the didactic use of ICT, in the teaching-learning process of high school students. Discussion: The good use of active methodologies in which both teachers and students are involved, allow moving from rote learning to interactive learning, giving the student the opportunity to be the protagonist of the teaching-learning process, through the use of a learning source based on curiosity and discovery called experience. Conclusions: When evaluating the methodological guide through the didactic use of ICT, it resulted in the fulfillment of the objectives set and the achievements that have been achieved, as an enriching factor to create participatory classes in high school students, where the teacher and the student can learn together.


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How to Cite

Castillo Calva, E. R., Gordillo Jaramillo, M. C., Macías Véliz, J. N., & Chiluisa Salavarria, S. P. (2023). Didactic use of ICT and its impact on the academic performance of high school students of the "Carlos Lozada Quintana" Educational Unit. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 828–834. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6129




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