Citizen assembly and community strengthening in the San Pedro Commune of the Manglaralto parish

Citizen assembly and community strengthening in the San Pedro Commune of the Manglaralto parish


  • Rosario del Pilar Domínguez Suarez Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Katty Maricela Vera Meza Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


Citizen assembly, community, community strengthening and needs


Introduction: The citizen assembly is a form of participation that is made up of citizens of a sector who have the right to participate to see the needs and duties in relation to the benefits that the community can obtain, in recent years it has been considered as a mechanism important to demand and solve news and problems in the communities. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between the Citizen Assembly and community strengthening in the San Pedro Commune of the Manglaralto parish of the Province of Santa Elena. Materials and methods: The research methodology was quantitative, correlational, non-experimental and cross-sectional, analyzing the relationship between the citizen assembly and community strengthening through the application of a questionnaire and interviews with the target population. Results: The results obtained emphasize that the citizen assembly as a participation mechanism does not have the reception or the presence of a representative number of people from the San Pedro Commune, leaving aside unattended needs by the authorities. Discussion: The citizen Assembly as a participation mechanism makes it possible to manage community problems and solve them, however the lack of interest and ignorance on the part of the citizenry result in the continued social problems. Conclusions: The San Pedro commune should promote participatory processes that enable the active participation of the inhabitants, applying the participation mechanisms that are stipulated in Ecuadorian laws in order to contribute to the well-being of the community.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Suarez, R. del P., & Vera Meza, K. M. (2023). Citizen assembly and community strengthening in the San Pedro Commune of the Manglaralto parish: Citizen assembly and community strengthening in the San Pedro Commune of the Manglaralto parish. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 664–669. Retrieved from


