New Methodology for Learning English as a Foreign Language at Instituto Superior Politécnico Do Bié

New Methodology for Learning English as a Foreign Language at Instituto Superior Politécnico Do Bié


  • Neves Coquilo António Instituto Superior Politécnico Do Bié Cuito Bié, Angola


Methodology, angolan University, Oral Expression, Quickest Learning, Scholar Context


Due to the lack that the English teaching-learning process presents, it is difficulting the establishment of a stable communication between teachers and students in the Angolan University. is language and this require an improvement of this subject, in such way that it propitiates the up bring and the integral personality development of the professional that comes out or train in the University. The new methodology that is presented here is caracterized by fundamenting the current methodologies for a language teaching and the aportes of the históric-cultural paradigm about the developed teaching to be adquired, that together with the different tradicional methods and participative techniques, will garantee the perfectioning of the oral english expression. This article responds to the current requirements of teaching presented by UNESCO in its inform Learning how to be (1972) describing a fundamental principle that is: “Education should always contribute to the total development of the personal-espirit and body, inteligency, sensibility, esthectic sense, personal responsability, spirituality.” The relatório Learning how to Be (1972) lt also expresses in its preamble, the affraid of the world deshumanization related with the technical evolution. The Alienation Risk of the present personality in the obsessive manners of the propagand and publicity, in the conformity of the behaviours that can be imposed by the exterior, due to the authentic necessities and by the intelectual identity and afective of each one. From a point of view of the scientific method, the manner in which this investigation has been done and the data were collected by using the pré experimental design of a group with pretest and postest. To formulate the impirical questionings and recolect the data, different techcniques and instruments were used from the investigation in correspondence with the indicators that is estabelished to measure the quickest learning of english language in the angolan scholar context.


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How to Cite

António, N. C. (2023). New Methodology for Learning English as a Foreign Language at Instituto Superior Politécnico Do Bié: New Methodology for Learning English as a Foreign Language at Instituto Superior Politécnico Do Bié. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 623–630. Retrieved from


