Marketing strategies and sales level in SMEs: Case of Santa Elena province

Marketing strategies and sales level in SMEs: Case of Santa Elena province


  • Ana Raquel Albarracín Yangura Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador
  • Wendy Esthela Wasbrum Tinoco Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador


Strategies, sales, business, SMEs


Introduction: Throughout the development of this work, it is emphasized that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the main generators of employment in Ecuador, for this reason in recent years they have been attributed vital importance and contribution to the economic activity, and have positioned themselves as a fundamental axis of development and main generators of wealth. The province of Santa Elena is no exception, as new SMEs have emerged over time while others have left the market due to the instability and economic sustainability that they face. Materials and methods: The study is of a descriptive nature, since through it it will be possible to determine all those characteristics related to the sales strategies and level of commercialization of SMEs in the province of Santa Elena. Results: Among the results obtained is that currently, it is necessary to realize that SMEs in a certain way complement each other to a greater or lesser extent with the activities carried out by large companies. Discussion: The SMEs that have managed to position themselves over time have emphasized two key elements that must be considered after the implementation of new strategies: the situation of the product in relation to the competition and how consumers perceive the product. Conclusions: It is concluded that although it is true, it must be made clear that there are a diversity of strategies, but specifically the sales strategies for their creation require an analysis of aspects that are not directly related to the product or to the tastes and preferences of consumers, but more specifically with consumer culture and business goals.


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How to Cite

Albarracín Yangura, A. R., & Wasbrum Tinoco, W. E. (2023). Marketing strategies and sales level in SMEs: Case of Santa Elena province: Marketing strategies and sales level in SMEs: Case of Santa Elena province. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 588–594. Retrieved from




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