Freedom of worship as a Human Right in the field of Comparative Law

Freedom of worship as a Human Right in the field of Comparative Law


  • Mayra Alejandra Nevarez Mera Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Nathaly Carolina Lino Navarrete Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Brenda Amparito Reyes Tomala Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


Human Rights, discrimination, secular, religious freedom, violation of rights


Introduction: The research is framed in the political-social context referring to the right to freedom of worship, based on the legal status of Ecuador through a comparative analysis with the Constitution of the United States and Russia, taking as reference doctrinal aspects and theories that have of importance to the definitions of freedom, as well as the connection between religious freedom and Human Rights, from a universal perspective. Materials and methods: The analysis of article 66 numeral 8 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, court rulings, International Covenants of the United Nations on Human Rights and inherent constitutional regulations of each country was carried out, which allowed assessing the legal reality of Ecuador regarding freedom of worship. Results: On the other hand, the methodology was based on a qualitative research design approach, thus the analysis of judicial sentences provided verified information, determining that there are cases where the right to freedom of worship is violated, but that constitutional guarantees exist. to restore the affected right. Discussion: Freedom of conscience like freedom of religion are considered absolute rights. Conclusions: The judicial rulings allowed us to conclude that there are evidently cases of violation in the social and educational sphere regarding the right to freedom of worship in Ecuador, however, with the timely application of jurisdictional guarantees, direct and effective protection of the aforementioned right was provided. , compensating said violation caused by acts of defenselessness and discrimination.


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How to Cite

Nevarez Mera, M. A., Lino Navarrete, N. C., & Reyes Tomala, B. A. (2023). Freedom of worship as a Human Right in the field of Comparative Law: Freedom of worship as a Human Right in the field of Comparative Law. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 581–587. Retrieved from




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