Communicative competences in the language development of students with learning disabilities

Communicative competences in the language development of students with learning disabilities


  • Bayron Leopoldo Mota Contreras Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador


Communication skills, language development, students with disabilities, learning


Introduction: This research work emphasizes the current reality of educational institutions and society when encountering a diversity of students who are not adequately attended by teachers and their little knowledge of the subject. Materials and methods: Various methods have been used: historical-logical, synthetic, systemic analysis. Results: The results of this research allow the development of awareness in other institutions so that they adopt playful methodologies, this being a way of making them part and not isolating them or making them feel different, but rather a process that evaluates them according to their abilities and proposes A methodological guide in communication skills for the development of reading and writing. Discussion: In the new learning, transfer situations begin where the student applies knowledge to new contexts. It is recommended to use this Guide based on the academic planning of each course or class. Conclusions: The feasibility was verified in different dimensions. Human, technical and financial.


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How to Cite

Mota Contreras, B. L. (2023). Communicative competences in the language development of students with learning disabilities: Communicative competences in the language development of students with learning disabilities. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 458–464. Retrieved from


