The communication of the nurse in the care of the patient in intensive care

The communication of the nurse in the care of the patient in intensive care


  • Zuleidis Monier Pozo Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Eufemia Figueroa Corrales Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Santa Mercedes Castillo Limonta Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Jaime Michels Mighty Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Communication, nursing, patient in intensive care


Introduction: Nursing graduate training has been studied by various researchers as a process that integrates knowledge, skills, aptitudes, and attitudes for the development of specific techniques or procedures based on care for healthy or sick human individuals, families, and communities. in the various instances of the Assistance Network. Materials and methods: For this, the historical-logical method has been used, which contributes to the process of characterizing the historical background of the Nursing Graduate's training, and as a documentary basis, plans for the teaching process, study, and programs have been reviewed. Results: The present work identifies the needs regarding the communication of the professional described above, since some insufficiencies have been verified that are not alluded to with curricular and methodological intentions, such is the case of communication training in universities and hospital institutions in the country. Discussion: The link with professional motivation, interests, professional values and personological resources that allow to function with flexibility, autonomy, future perspectives and personalized reflection demonstrate the validity of the logical person approach in the study of communication. Conclusions: The results show that there is still a need to deepen the professional-patient relationships in intensive care conditions.


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How to Cite

Monier Pozo, Z., Figueroa Corrales, E., Castillo Limonta, S. M., & Michels Mighty, J. (2023). The communication of the nurse in the care of the patient in intensive care: The communication of the nurse in the care of the patient in intensive care. Maestro Y Sociedad, 140–144. Retrieved from



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