Deep Learning: new avant-garde challenge of the 21st century
Deep Learning: new avant-garde challenge of the 21st century
deep learning, learning environments, pedagogical skillsAbstract
Introduction: This research was developed in a new educational reality that seeks to rebuild new models and learning environments. In this sense, the objective was to know the various educational trends that direct deep learning to a constructivist revolutionary change to train students with new social visions. Materials and methods: Likewise, from the method of documentary analysis with a hermeneutic approach, it is revealed that deep learning is essential in the work of every teacher who contributes to the development of pedagogical skills and competencies, in this work the favorable impact is emphasized. in students through innovative learning methods. Results: The current context of deep learning evidences the need for real student participation linked to global competencies. In this sense, it is necessary to break into the classrooms, to find new ways of interacting with the environment and the world; with a competent ethical sense that allows them to be practiced and fed back to deepen a more active participation of the student in school and society. Discussion: The knowledge and understanding of the various educational trends that direct deep learning to a constructivist revolutionary change to train students with new social visions is based on the pillars of generating learning rooted in reflective critical thinking with the purpose of carry out an epistemological and praxiological analysis in the student's formative process. Conclusions: Deep learning is an educational reality that must be disciplined in the pedagogical processes from the empowerment of the cognitive, emotional, social and global level; forming avant-garde students with participation and attitude to challenge this changing world.
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