Administration psychosocial of seismic risk in the city of Santiago from Cuba

Administration psychosocial of seismic risk in the city of Santiago from Cuba


  • Oscar Alonso Leyva Institución de Educación Superior “Hermanos Marañon” de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Yorkys Santana González Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


perception of risk, administration psychosocial of seismic risk, earthquakes, vulnerability, threats


Introduction: Cuba is one of the few countries that has a record of events and conceives the reduction of seismic risk in Santiago de Cuba. The objective is to present the design of a psychosocial intervention program to enhance the psychosocial management of seismic risk by defense specialists in the city of Santiago de Cuba. Materials and methods: From the qualitative methodology and an exploratory study, the method that supports the study is Research-Action. The investigation is carried out with the participation of eight research subjects, who are defense specialists in the Santiago de Cuba municipality. Results: The results show that the perceptions of seismic risk in these subjects are characterized by being biased by popular beliefs about the daily actions and preparation that must be carried out before the earthquake; not by structuring analysis of the threat, psychosocial, organizational and functional vulnerabilities. Discussion: The information must be aimed primarily at understanding and preparing for the seismic risk, before the disaster occurs, so that it is timely and that it generates the most complete and full perception of the phenomenon, from the cognitive and affective processes, evidencing that there has been poor communication treatment based on seismic risk management. Conclusions: The perception of seismic risk in the defense specialists of the Santiago de Cuba municipality is characterized by being biased by popular beliefs (based on cognition and not on the cognitive-affective relationship) about the daily actions and preparation that must be do before the earthquake.


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How to Cite

Alonso Leyva, O., & Santana González, Y. (2023). Administration psychosocial of seismic risk in the city of Santiago from Cuba: Administration psychosocial of seismic risk in the city of Santiago from Cuba. Maestro Y Sociedad, 121–131. Retrieved from



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