School coexistence from the socio-emotional skills in the preschool child

School coexistence from the socio-emotional skills in the preschool child


  • Itzia Hernández de la O Centro de Atención infantil Soledad Orozco de Ávila Camacho, México


socio-emotional skills, infants, school coexistence


Introduction: The present work exposes how socio-emotional skills influence school coexistence at the preschool level based on the cultural historical theoretical aspect of the infant. This takes a great dynamic influence whose permanence is determined by the type of social relationships existing between individuals, which directly favors the construction of their personality. Materials and methods: Currently, the pandemic prevents this contact, leaving infants vulnerable to continue the teaching-learning process. Results: This study is directed towards the analysis and work of the aforementioned theories to implement a system of actions, through the elaboration of an educational strategy that favors socio-emotional skills for the development of school coexistence in a model of the same nature, as means to achieve the objectives and strengthen interpersonal relationships among the members of the CAI Soledad Orozco, from Chilpancingo de los Bravos, Guerrero, Mexico. Discussion: It constitutes a model based on existing theories that can be inserted into remote classroom work that allows for a variety of educational activities that meet the needs of each school. Conclusions: School coexistence is a challenge in today's society, but to achieve the desired results it is necessary that teachers first master the contents and seek innovative, motivational, technological and creative strategies that lead the infant to achieve its integral development.


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How to Cite

Hernández de la O, I. (2023). School coexistence from the socio-emotional skills in the preschool child: School coexistence from the socio-emotional skills in the preschool child. Maestro Y Sociedad, 88–94. Retrieved from



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