Educational intervention to raise awareness about breast cancer in women
Educational intervention to raise awareness about breast cancer in women
risk factors, health education, knowledge, breast self-examination, breast cancerAbstract
Introduction: Education combined with knowledge allows man to develop capacities and, in turn, broadens and facilitates understanding of a disease that, its late diagnosis and the consequences that derive from this could be avoided. Primary health care is committed to contributing to the formation of care habits in the community as part of the health strategy in society. Objectives: To evaluate the social impact of carrying out an educational intervention in women over 30 years of age in a health area of the Santiago de Cuba province about the knowledge they have about breast cancer. Methods: A study was carried out with a quasi-experimental design, a non-probabilistic sample; that evaluated knowledge about breast cancer prevention and control, before and after an educational intervention, using a survey designed for this purpose. Results: The results obtained show that the educational intervention was significant, showing a p value < 0.05 in 9 of the 10 groups of questions, which favors the alternate hypothesis (H1); Data corroborated by analyzing the internal deviation, which turned out to be lower in the post-intervention group. Conclusions: It was evidenced that the educational intervention increased knowledge about prevention and early diagnosis for the control of breast cancer in the group of women who participated in this study.
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