Didactic training-reader of the Bachelor of Education. Logopedia

Didactic training-reader of the Bachelor of Education. Logopedia


  • Yamilé Coello Sánchez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Susana Cisneros Garbey Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Félix Lázaro Huepp Ramos Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Carlos Rafael Barthelemy León Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


reading, guidance, didactic mediation, speech therapy professional training


Introduction: The didactic-reading modeling in the formation of the Bachelor of Education is presented. Speech therapy refers to the training of the professional in Bachelor of Education. Speech therapy where reading plays a fundamental role, which is why the objective is to expose the relationships that are established from didactic-reading mediation and that serve as support for the didactic orientation strategy that aims to provide a solution to the teaching and methodological scientific work of the year. academic in the training process of the Bachelor of Education. Logopedia.
Materials and methods: Theoretical and empirical methods were used, such is the case of analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction, which served for the bibliographic review; interviews, surveys, questionnaires and pedagogical tests to collect information from reliable sources involved in the process.
Results: As it is shown that reading should be a transversal axis in the formation of the Bachelor of Education. Logopedia. It was shown that in general there are difficulties related to pronunciation, articulation and comprehension.
Discussion: Extrapolation goes beyond one level of textual understanding; Rather, it involves a whole series of cognitive processes of sign relationships that allow the content of reading to be applied in the construction of new meanings and knowledge.

Conclusions: The didactic-reading mediation contributes to the reading process by favoring the role of the teacher as a mediator and counselor for the development of reading skills in the professional training of speech therapist teachers together with the didactic procedures used in these actions.


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How to Cite

Coello Sánchez, Y. ., Cisneros Garbey, S. ., Huepp Ramos, F. L. ., & Barthelemy León, C. R. . (2023). Didactic training-reader of the Bachelor of Education. Logopedia: Didactic training-reader of the Bachelor of Education. Logopedia. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 243–251. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5955




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