Effectiveness of communication between puppets and preschool children. Criteria of María Antonia Fariñas

Effectiveness of communication between puppets and preschool children. Criteria of María Antonia Fariñas


  • Jesús Barreiro Yero Ministerio de Cultura, Cuba
  • Isabel Cristina García Torrell Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Enrique José Varona, Cuba


Communication, puppet, puppet theatre


Introduction: As a manifestation of art, the theater within its typologies integrates puppets. The objective of this research is to determine the effectiveness of communication between puppets, boys and girls of preschool age according to the criteria of the teacher María Antonia Fariñas and not only as a source of entertainment, culture and art, but also as a channel, through which they are transmitted values, patterns and norms of conduct that will contribute to their development.
Materials and methods: For the evaluation of the communication between the puppets, the boys and girls of preschool age, group B was chosen, of preschool, with an enrollment of 20 six-year-old boys and girls, their teacher is Graduated in Pedagogy, specializing in Primary Education, and has 20 years of experience, at the International Student Union School, in the Plaza de La Revolución municipality, in Havana.
Results: This study evaluated the learning of preschool-age boys and girls, verifying later that communication between puppets, boys and girls is effective, entertaining, and instructive.
Discussion: The theatrical representation or the staging of the play in conventional or alternative spaces is an aesthetic manifestation that is structured in a peculiar way, that is, it presents multiple interpretation alternatives and is self-reflexive, since it attracts the attention of the audience. addressee on its own way.


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How to Cite

Barreiro Yero, J. ., & García Torrell, I. C. . (2023). Effectiveness of communication between puppets and preschool children. Criteria of María Antonia Fariñas: Effectiveness of communication between puppets and preschool children. Criteria of María Antonia Fariñas. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 237–242. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5953




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