Reading comprehension and critical thinking in high school students in Huaraz, Peru

Reading comprehension and critical thinking in high school students in Huaraz, Peru


  • Nancy Rosario Ramírez Rondan Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Perú


reading comprehension, critical thinking, students, high school


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of reading comprehension in critical thinking in high school students.
Materials and methods: The methodology had a non-experimental and descriptive design with a sample of 217 students between women and men, who belong to the second grade of the secondary level.
Results: A reading comprehension test was applied, with 20 questions that address three dimensions of reading comprehension and four dimensions of critical thinking, it was evaluated by means of calculation tables for reading comprehension prior to the beginning, process and satisfactory and for thought. critical, low, medium, good, with 20 questions. The results indicate that in reading comprehension the majority is in process with 51.2% and in critical thinking the good level with 35.0%.
Discussion: The greater the reading comprehension, the greater the critical thinking in the students, however, this does not happen by itself, but teachers must be prepared to innovate education to promote relevant learning.
Conclusions: Students have a greater presence of reading comprehension at the beginning and in the process.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Rondan, N. R. . (2023). Reading comprehension and critical thinking in high school students in Huaraz, Peru: Reading comprehension and critical thinking in high school students in Huaraz, Peru. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 183–189. Retrieved from


