Strategic Management in the Formation of Integrative Attitudes and its valorization in citizenship for a learning model

Strategic Management in the Formation of Integrative Attitudes and its valorization in citizenship for a learning model


  • Quito Páster Elias Lengalenga Direcion Provincial de Educacion de Lunda Sul, Angola
  • Nerino Manuel Alberto Direcion Provincial de Educacion de Lunda Sul, Angola


strategic management, formation of integrating attitudes, learning model


Introduction: In this research, the curricular discipline Formation of Integrative Attitudes stands out as a process of collective participation that aims at improving the quality of teaching.
Materials and methods: Partial population and its referent were involved in the present research with a stratified random sample of two participants. Likewise, by presenting the results of the two surrounding envelopes developed by treatment, it is concluded that there is continuity in the line of analysis, observations and recommendations, carried out by the actions that will be developed and implemented for the best management and planning practices.
Results: In this way, in search of scientific conformity with these recommendations and competent methodological guidelines, and, in turn, the feit diagnosis subsidizes the strategic management for the construction of a collective project that ensures the valorization of citizenship face or challenge with a view to the Scope of a model of school learning that confers the integral formation of the homem.
Discussion: Through democratic principles, which enable the vision of preparation of a responsible citizenry that allows reflection on the part of different perceptions and defense of a tax obligation, and which represents an essential tool in programmatic content for a learning model.
Conclusions: The evaluation of the discussions in the educational field, currently being understood in a broader way. This is valid both for the aspects related to the evaluation of the student and the teaching work of the discipline of Formation of Integrative Attitude.


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How to Cite

Lengalenga, Q. P. E. ., & Alberto, N. M. . (2023). Strategic Management in the Formation of Integrative Attitudes and its valorization in citizenship for a learning model: Strategic Management in the Formation of Integrative Attitudes and its valorization in citizenship for a learning model. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 169–176. Retrieved from




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