Use of psychotherapeutic techniques by the speech therapist for students with stuttering

Use of psychotherapeutic techniques by the speech therapist for students with stuttering


  • Tatiana Hierrezuelo Coroneaux Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


speech therapist teacher, Advanced professional, psychotherapeutic techniques, stammering, Initial education


Introduction: The research focuses its attention on the preparation of the speech therapist teacher in the use of psychotherapist techniques for students with stuttering, within the framework of the first cycle of initial education. Its objective is the elaboration of a system of methodological guidelines that prepare this specialist in this subject.
Materials and methods: Theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods are applied, modeling of the methodological guidelines that are proposed; as well as, evaluate the relevance, feasibility and efficiency of its implementation in the first cycle of initial education.
Results: This promotes scientific impacts that will enrich the didactic-methodological tools as part of the improvement of the content and the ways to carry out the overcoming of the speech therapist teacher.
Discussion: Education in Cuba constitutes a fundamental pillar for society and more so when referring to the care of children with special educational needs. Their education is aimed at achieving comprehensive development, promoting their incursion into society.
Conclusions: This contributes to increase the preparation of this and its favorable incidence in the psycho-emotional development of the aforementioned students, an aspect that guarantees their social inclusion, as prescribed by the Third Cuban Educational Improvement.


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How to Cite

Hierrezuelo Coroneaux, T. . (2023). Use of psychotherapeutic techniques by the speech therapist for students with stuttering: Use of psychotherapeutic techniques by the speech therapist for students with stuttering. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 113–117. Retrieved from


